Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges in North Brooklyn, NYC

Whether it’s from physical trauma or extraction, a missing tooth is far from insurmountable at North Brooklyn Dental Care. Led by the expert hands of our passionate dentists, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the transformative world of dental bridges to close gaps for a restored smile. Discover how this innovative solution not only restores missing teeth but also rejuvenates your smile and oral health.

What are Dental Bridges?

  • Dental bridges are restorative dental procedure used used to restore not just missing teeth but to revive the beauty of your entire smile after tooth loss. The prosthetic tooth is held in place by dental crowns attached to the surrounding teeth on either side of the gap. This allows us to literally bridge the gap formed by a missing tooth and create a seamless smile once again. Our commitment at North Brooklyn Dental Care is to go beyond the functional aspects and delve into the aesthetic restoration that dental bridges offer.

Are Dental Bridges Right for Me?

Choosing dental bridges is not just about replacing missing teeth; it’s about embracing a comprehensive solution that enhances the overall appearance of your smile. They provide a natural look, restore speaking and chewing abilities, and prevent teeth from shifting into the missing place. There a few qualifications to consider to determine if a dental bridge is right for you:

  • Missing one to a small amount of teeth in a row
  • Healthy surrounding teeth to support dental crowns
  • Overall good health to avoid any complications
  • Good oral health to ensure the bridge lasts as long as possible

During a consultation, we’ll be able to help decide the best path forward for tooth replacement, whether it’s a dental bridge or alternatives like dental implants or dentures. By expertly filling gaps and restoring symmetry, we’re committed to providing a natural-looking result that boosts your confidence.

Our Dental Bridges Process

In our personalized approach, everything begins with a consultation. This crucial step ensures that your unique needs are addressed, and the best-suited bridge solution is tailored just for you. To begin, impressions are taken of your teeth to create a perfectly fitted bridge. The surrounding teeth are then shaped and prepared to receive their supporting dental crowns. These teeth are fitted with temporary crowns until your final bridge is ready. On your second visit, we’ll replace the crowns with your permanent bridge. After adjustments are made for a secure fit and proper bite, the bridge is cemented into place.

Caring for Your Dental Bridges

Beyond the initial bridge placement, caring for your dental bridges is a crucial investment. Our team at North Brooklyn Dental Care provides guidance on maintaining excellent oral hygiene around your bridges. Regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings contribute to the longevity and functionality of your dental bridges. We recommend scheduling regular dental checkups to allow us to make timely adjustments and assessments, ensuring your smile stays as vibrant as the day your bridges were placed.

We Transform Smiles at North Brooklyn Dental Care

Transforming smiles is not just a statement; it’s our commitment at North Brooklyn Dental Care. Your journey to a brighter, more confident you begins with a call or click. Let North Brooklyn Dental Care be your partner in bringing back your confidence and joy through a radiant, transformed smile.